
Average score 760 Reviews
Cécile L noted on Google

1 month ago
Faure Nicolas noted on Google

1 month ago
Joanna noted on Google

Toujours aussi ravie d'y aller (Translated by Google) Still so excited to go

1 month ago
Chrystel Cordon noted on Google

1 month ago
corinne fontaneau noted on Google

Excellent sushi comme d habitude (Translated by Google) Excellent sushi as usual

1 month ago
Anastazia Custom noted on Google

Seconde fois pour moi dans ce restaurant et je me suis vraiment régalée. Je n'ai pas encore pu goûter aux sushis car j'ai pris leur excellent ramen au boeuf et des brochettes, mais j'y retournerai volontiers et avec grand plaisir. Tarifs plus que convenable pour la qualité de leur cuisine. Service un peu long et maladroit car je pense que la serveuse était nouvelle et débutante, donc je n'en prendrai pas compte. Si vous cherchez des ramens sans devoir aller jusqu'à Paris, vous êtes à la bonne adresse 😉. (Translated by Google) Second time for me in this restaurant and I really enjoyed it. I haven't been able to try the sushi yet because I had their excellent beef ramen and skewers, but I will gladly and happily go back. Prices more than adequate for the quality of their cuisine. Service a bit long and awkward because I think the waitress was new and a beginner, so I won't take it into account. If you're looking for ramen without having to go all the way to Paris, you've come to the right address 😉.

1 month ago
Clémence Giudicelli noted on Google

On ne peut clairement plus manger dans un autre japonais après avoir goûté l'excellente cuisine d'Okiyama ! En plus de cela, l'équipe est vraiment très accueillante. Allez-y les yeux fermés ! (Translated by Google) We clearly can't eat in any other Japanese place after tasting Okiyama's excellent cuisine! On top of that, the team is really very welcoming. Go there with your eyes closed!

1 month ago
Frédéric JEAN noted on Google

Très bon (Translated by Google) Very good

2 months ago
Vivien Balcarek noted on Google

2 months ago
Carmen Binsfeld noted on Google

2 months ago

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